Monday, August 24, 2009

Flutter, Flutter, Glide

Coming back from Phillie on Friday evening, I was driving down the hill onto the Conowingo Dam. The sunset was so stunning and the urge to pull over somewhere and capture it was so compelling that I almost missed the curve onto the dam..
Trying to stay in my lane, (driving across bridges have never been my strong suit) I almost missed seeing something awesome in the sky above me. Osprey, Immature Bald Eagle,..not sure which. This guy was covering ground, even as I followed him doing an easy 40 mph. The wing span was at least 4 - 6 feet.

But the wing stroke was what really caught my attention. Flutter, flutter, Glide.

Hawks hunting voles in the corn field bordering my garden will hold station using the Flutter, Flutter of their wings.

There have been Osprey photographed at Conowingo. Eagles traveling from Canada to winter over at Conowingo have attracted photographers for the past several years. I've recently seen mature Bald Eagles soaring above the fields in Jarrettsville, Madonna and the NCR Rail Trail in White Hall.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hummers - Thru my kitchen window

Just found this little guy while playing with the Picasa 3 download. I took this with my Lumix on a small tripod on the kitchen table. You can see the screen in the background.

Pretty amazing for a $100 camera.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Hear Bluebirds!

Have you ever noticed that Bluebirds prefer calm, sunny days? Once you've learned to recognize the chatter/chirp of Papa Blue, it is not easily forgotten.

Bluebirds are here all year round in Maryland, they tend to hunker down and stay inside during the bad weather, but once the sun comes out, you can hear them if you know what to listen for.

(My husband has lost some hearing in certain ranges, he cannot hear the Bluebirds.)

When Nat King Cole wishes you Bluebirds in the Spring, he is wishing you clear, calm and sunny skies, along with of course, Love.